Your Trusted New York Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents happen frequently in New York due to congested streets and chaotic traffic. A split second of distraction or lack of attention to safety can result in serious injury and major damage to vehicles.

Victims of a car accident may face emotional, physical and financial challenges. That’s why you need an experienced car accident attorney who will fight for you.

You may be facing medical bills, lost wages, property damage and emotional effects from an accident that was someone else’s fault. Getting compensation following a car accident in New York can be challenging, especially if the person at fault doesn’t have adequate insurance.

Our team of car accident attorneys and paralegals at Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C. will be your advocate throughout the process. We’ll review the circumstances of your accident and advise you on the options available for pursuing the compensation you deserve.

car wreck in NYC needs qualified lawyer

Types of Traffic Accident Cases:

If you’ve been involved in any kind of traffic accident, call us today at 718-380-7440 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We don’t get paid until you do, and initial consultation with your car accident attorney is always free.

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